ġ1 11 Index Contents Index Contents P OINTING The Bamboo Fun pen positions the pointer (or cursor) on your screen. The tablet activ e area is a mapped representation of your computer screen (a one-to-one relationship), and uses the entire screen.

The screen area is the corresponding area on the screen. ġ0 10 Index Contents Index Contents ABOUT THE ACTIVE AREA The activ e area is the area of the tablet that senses pen mov ement. Holding the pen About the activ e area P ointing Clicking Dr agging Using the pe. If you are unf amiliar with using the pen, tr y the ex ercises on the f ollowing pages. ĩ 9 Index Contents Index Contents USING THE COR DLESS PEN There are f our basic techniques for using the pressure-sensitiv e pen: pointing, clic king, double-clicking, and dragging. P osition your monitor so you can vie w it comf or tably with a minimum of e yestrain. P osition your tab let, input tools, and ke yboard f or easy access without unnecessar y reaching. Ĩ 8 Index Contents Index Contents SETTING UP Y OUR WORK AREA T o minimize f atigue, organize y our work area so you can w or k comf or tably. The integrated middle button and rolling wheel can be used f or up and down scrolling in the activ e window. ħ 7 Index Contents Index Contents INPUT TOOLS Y our Bamboo Fun input tools are cordless and battery-free. If you are ne w to using a pen tablet and tab let input tools, read the f ollowing sections.

Ħ 6 Index Contents Index Contents WORKING WITH BAMBOO FUN This section introduces you to the Bamboo Fun pen tab let, which consists of two basic elements: a tablet that ser v es as your work area, and the input tools you use on the tab let. Adobe Reader provides y ou with additional tools for using a. ĥ 5 Index Contents Index Contents NAVIGATING THE MAN UAL Use the navigation controls to mo ve through the man ual: Go to front page.
#Wacom tablet bamboo software windows#
The inf or mation is common to Windows and Macintosh computers and Windows screen captures are sho wn, unless otherwise noted. Click on a na vigation button or highlighted word to mo ve through the document.

#Wacom tablet bamboo software manual#
Ĥ 4 Index Contents Index Contents ABOUT THE MANUAL This manual pro vides quick access to inf or mation about Bamboo Fun. ģ 3 Index Contents Index Contents CONTENTS About the manual 4 Navigating the man ual 5 W OR KING WITH BAMBOO FUN 6 T ablet f eatures 6 Input tools 7 Setting up your w or k area 8 Using the cordless pen 9 Holding the pen 9 About the activ e area 10 P ointing 11 Clicking 12 Dragging 12 Using the pen buttons 13 Dra wing with pressure sensitivity 14 Er. W acom reser ves the right to revise this pub lication witho. No par t of this manual ma y be reproduced except f or your e xpress personal use. Ģ 2 Index Contents Index Contents Bamboo ™ Fun User’ s Manual f or Windows ® & Macintosh ® English v ersion 1.0, Apr il 03, 2007 Cop yr ight © W acom Company, Limited, 2007 All rights reser ved. Using a pen Customizing your pen T roubleshooting Using a tablet Customizing your tab let Digital inking Using a cordless mouse Customizing your cordless mouse User’ s manual f or Windo ws & Macintosh ®® Index Contents Index Contents 1 1.